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Flames of me, my friends, or the blog, and trollage of the trollific trash already posted here (meta-trollage?) will likely become fodder for new posts &/or shit-canned, depending on my mood.

Unlikely I'll bother responding to many comments posted here at all (other than to use 'em in new posts here at MC, or delete them, depending), but one never knows... (I expect that most--even the good comments--will be cheerfully ignored, entirely...)

Monday, January 7, 2013

"DIE, commies, die."

Hugo Chavez Victim Of His Own Leftist Ideology | The Lonely Conservative:

Zilla sez:
"Remember when that fat freak Michael Moore praised Cuba’s healthcare system? I hope he “makes a statement” and goes there for treatment when he gets sick, too, and the same for that braying jackass Sean Penn. DIE, commies, die."

1 comment:

The Political Chic said...

Jussie Smollett is a Real Stupid Jerk who reached for the brass ring, on the Merry-Go-round and misjudged it and then fell off the horse, and landed in a pile of Horse Dong.

My guess is he’ll be found guilty as charged but just walk away with a Love-tap on his Butt and a Token Fine, after which he’ll either make the rounds of the Late Night Liberal Talk Shows and get Kudos from the LGBTQ crowd, than write a “book” exposing something that nobody gives a damn about. And after the “Book” flops, he’ll just fade away and be forgotten, like most of the Worthless Jerks do. He’s not even worth my time or attention.